Knee Pain

Are You Tired Of Feeling Pain In Your Knee With Every Step? Learn How Our Knee Program Can Reduce Knee Pain.

Common Causes Of Knee Pain

Knee pain can happen for a lot of reasons, kind of like how a toy can break if it's used too much or used the wrong way. Imagine your knee is like a hinge on a door - it helps you walk, run, and jump. But sometimes, things can go wrong.

Knee pain is a common issue for seniors due to several factors related to aging and wear and tear.

Here are some common knee pain problems that seniors often experience:


This is the most common reason seniors might feel pain in their knees. It happens when the cushiony material (cartilage) that protects the ends of bones in the knee wears down over time. This can make moving the knee painful as there's less of a cushion.Rheumatoid

This is a type of arthritis where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues, including the knees. This can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness.

This is when the tendons, which are the thick cords that attach muscles to bones, become irritated and inflamed. Patients might get this from doing the same movements over and over, like walking or climbing stairs.

In the knee, there are small fluid-filled sacs called bursae that help cushion the outside of the knee joint. When these get inflamed, usually from kneeling a lot or from impact, it can cause pain and swelling.

Meniscus Tears:
The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between your thigh and shin bones. A tear can happen when seniors twist their knee while the foot is planted on the ground, leading to pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the knee.

This is a type of arthritis that can cause sudden, severe attacks of pain, swelling, and redness in the knee. Gout happens when uric acid builds up in the blood and forms sharp crystals in the joint.

These conditions can lead to different types of knee pain, like aching, sharp pain, or stiffness. It's important for seniors experiencing knee pain to consult with a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.
Above is an illustration of what a healthy knee (left) looks like versus an inflamed painful knee (right)
Above is an illustration of what a healthy knee (left) looks like versus an inflamed painful knee (right)

Are You Suffering From Any Of The Following Knee Pain Symptoms?

Arthritis or Torn Cartilage

Tendonitis or Bursitis

Swelling & Tenderness

Buckling or locking of the knee

Cracking or popping sounds

Decrease range of motion

Pain when walking or Weakness

Discomfort when climbing stairs

Restless knee aches every day

Tenderness around your knee

Missing out on quality time with friends and family

Losing sleep because of chronic pain

If You Answered "YES" To Any Of These Knee Pain Symptoms We Can Help!

Schedule Your Appointment With Dr. Dabbs Today!

Get Your Life Back

Free Yourself From Knee Pain and Start Loving Life Again

Here Are Some Of The Results Our Patients Are Experiencing After Our Knee Program

Before Treatment

Every Step Is A Painful Reminder Constant Aches Make Even The Smallest Tasks DauntingAvoiding Stairs Because Of The Sharp, Shooting Knee PainFeeling Trapped In Your Own Body, Limited By Chronic Knee PainRelying Of Painkillers Just To Get Through The DayFear That The Pain Will Only Get Worse Over TimeFeeling Old And Helpless

After Treatment

Enjoy Walking Again Free From Knee Pain Enjoy Your Day, No Longer Hindered By Pain Climbing Stairs Feels Effortless Again Regain Control & Freedom In Your Life Without Restrictions Reduce Your Need For Medication And Feel Healthier Overall Enjoying Regular Exercise, Without Pain Or Discomfort Reduce Your Need For Medication And Feel Healthier Overall

We Can Help!

7 Point

Brain, Body & Gut Exam
The 7-point brain-body-gut exam is a holistic approach to assess and optimize overall well-being. It focuses on the interconnectedness of the brain, body, and gut, recognizing that these systems are closely linked and influence each other's function.
Make Your Appointment Today!
With Our 7 Point Brain, Body, and Gut Exam We Will Find The Root Cause Of Your Pain and Create a Treatment Plan Tailored To You!

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